Brugges Bee

Brugges Bee

Monday, July 30, 2012


Welcome! I love the bees in our garden and am learning about them and taking bee pictures at home and as I travel.
It's fun to be learning about these very complex little creatures!
While bees will certainly show up in my blog, expect blossoms and other garden visitors too :)

Giving Tree Gardens

Hen & Chick plant
3 cheers for Russ Henry at Giving Tree Gardens for creating our magical garden full of plants and flowers that bring life to our house and yard!! None of these home photos would be possible without his expertise and teaching. Thanks Russ!

Monarch Caterpillar

Wow, look who made an appearance today! The hungry caterpillar :)
One of those beautiful monarch butterflies found the milkweed, laid an egg, and now we have the next generation. Pretty neat! The dramatic coloring tells predators that they are poisonous.
This is a mature monarch caterpillar, the caterpillar stage lasts about 2 weeks, then we will watch for a chrysalis...stay tuned!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Check out today's garden visitor! This beauty wasn't shy, instead, was happy to pose for many photos. More exciting news, the milkweeds in our alley are spreading- yea! This is where mom monarch butterflies will lay their tiny, white, oblong eggs - on the milkweed leaf. Once they hatch, they first eat their egg shell (full of vitamins I understand) then go to work eating up the delicious milkweed leaves! If you'd like to learn more about monarchs, click here.